creative consultant & producer for dennis smith entertainment robert fritz

Creative Consultant & Producer

Robert Fritz is a bestselling author and an award-winning composer and filmmaker. His films have won over 200 awards at film festivals around the world.  His most recent compositions include the soundtrack to Elma and the Top, a contemporary Christmas musical.  Robert is an accomplished storyteller, whose narratives and compositions meld into compelling entertainment and enjoyment.

Robert began his career by playing music while studying and teaching musical composition. He noticed that the principles of creativity and artistry could be used to enhance the way people built their lives, and he went on to develop courseware and consulting services.  Robert has written several bestselling books, including The Path of Least Resistance, Creating, The Path of Least Resistance for Managers, and Your Life as Art. He has also written and directed several award-winning films, including Overload, a 2009 feature film that received notable awards from the Boston International Film Festival, Los Angeles Cinema Festival of Hollywood, and Honolulu Film Festival.

Robert is the founder of DMA® and Technologies for Creating®, and the co-founder of Innovation Associates, which is dedicated to helping others build organizations using principles of the creative process.